Valwood School
4380 Old US 41 North
Hahira, GA 31632
Please Like the Valwood Soccer Facebook page. Schedules will be posted here and to Valwood Facebook page by Wednesday prior to the tournament. Information regarding inclement weather on the impact of the event can be found there prior to the tournament. Photos can also be found on Valwood Soccer Facebook page after the event.
Registration $150 per team through May 9th to ensure participants receive a tournament t-shirt. There is a max of 60 teams; once this amount is reached, registration will close.
Late registration permitted after this date if there is space available but not guaranteed a t-shirt.
Check in begins at 7:30 am with tournament beginning at 8:00 am.
All players receive a tournament medal and t-shirt designed by a Valwood student.
Teams may carry up to 6 players on their roster (5-6 players recommended). Each team must submit proof of age for each player (such as copy of birth certificate, driver’s license, etc.). Please text or email proof of DOB to tournament director, Stephanie Gee, at 229-561-3620 or [email protected].
Any changes to player roster prior to check in will require proof of DOB upon check in.
*Remember to download and complete the player roster/waiver form which needs to be completed and brought to the tournament upon check in. Each player or legal guardian (if participant is under 18) needs to sign the roster/waiver form.
Each team may have up to six players on their roster. We recommend 5-6 players per team. Proof of age will be required in the form of birth certificate or driver’s license. We follow US Youth Soccer’s policy of calendar birth year to determine a player’s playing age. The age division of a team will be determined by the oldest player on the team’s roster. In regards to “playing up” we leave that discretion to the coach and parents.
Rosters are to be completed by a coach and turned in on the day of check in and will be considered final at that time. If a change is made to the roster between the time of registration and check in, proof of age will be required upon check in. All player participants will receive a tournament t-shirt. We must have your team registration with all player t-shirt sizes by Thursday evening May 9th to ensure your players will receive their shirt. Rosters can be changed and updated but to get your t-shirts we need the sizes by this date.
Six is the maximum number of players on a team with three players on the field at a time. A player may only play for one team during the tournament. There are no goalkeepers in 3v3 soccer. Substitutes may occur during any dead ball situation, but players must get the referees attention to enter and exit at the half-field mark only.
Three (3) is the maximum number of coaches that can accompany a team on the sideline during a match. Coaches may not cross beyond the midline and must near the team’s sideline area. Coaches must be on the roster and have a signed waiver.
A full concession stand will be on site taking cash only as well as the following food trucks!
All players must wear a jersey/shirt. We also ask that coaches have pennies on hand in the event that competing teams have the same color jerseys. All players must wear shin guards. Teams are responsible for providing game balls.
The following are the sizes for each group: U6-U8 size 3; U10 size 4; U12 & up size 5.
Players, coaches and spectators are expected to act with good sportsmanship at all times. Abuse of referees will not be tolerated. Any display of such behavior will disqualify a team from the tournament.
Please refer to this document for specific guidance regarding the rules of 3v3 soccer.
There will be an on-site medical tent staffed by athletic trainers from Valdosta Orthopedic Associates.
In the event of inclement weather, all participants and spectators are to return to their vehicles and await notification of return to play or possible cancellation. Please DO NOT leave the venue until notified that the event is cancelled by tournament staff.