
A College Counselor’s “Words of Wisdom”

The following thoughts are a collection of several of the basic principles that we believe are important for families to understand as they go through the College Selection Process.

  • Parents should keep in mind that the student should do the vast majority of the work involved in the “College Selection & Application Process” with your gentle encouragement. If the student does not ‘own this process,’ he is less likely to accept his responsibility for the outcome.
  • Keep in mind there is no “one and only” college for any student. There are quite a few good institutions that will meet each student’s needs and preferences. It is simply your job to help your student identify ONE of these appropriate colleges.
  • Your student is UNIQUE. They are not you, nor are they their brother, sister or friend. The school they decide on should meet their needs and qualifications, taking into consideration the entire family’s situation. A school that was good for a friend or relative may or may not be a good one for your student.
  • The whole purpose of the College Selection Process is to find for the student what is called the “best fit.” College characteristics like size, location, competitiveness, cost, social climate, availability of programs/services/activities/majors, etc. all go into determining this proper “fit.”
  • Most students who leave or transfer colleges do so because it didn’t “feel right” or “they did not like it there,” which is another way of saying that it was not the right “fit.” Seldom do they leave because it cost too much, was too difficult, or didn’t have the major they wanted. Therefore, this “fit” concept is very important!
  • Try to be REALISTIC! Help your student select colleges whose admission, academic, or athletic standards are consistent with his/her ability, achievement, and preferences.

Testing Dates

The SAT and ACT are both valuable assessment tools, but they are different from one another. It’s important to know how they differ before you take the tests. Check out this SAT vs. ACT comparison to learn more.


2024-2025 SAT TEST DATES

SATRegister ByLate (fee)
August 24*August 9Aug. 13
October 5*Sept. 20Sept. 24
November 2*Oct. 18Oct. 22
December 7*Nov. 22Nov. 26
March 8*Feb. 21Feb. 25
May 3April 18April 22
June 7*May 22May 27

Click here for more registration information.

*Testing site: Valwood School

2024-2025 ACT TEST DATES

ACTRegister ByLate (fee)
September 14Aug. 9Aug. 25
October 26Sept. 20Oct. 7
December 14Nov. 8Nov. 22
February 8Jan. 3Jan 20
April 5Feb. 28March 16
June 14May 9May 26


When registering online for the SAT or ACT remember that Valwood’s physical address is HAHIRA, GA.
Valwood’s CEEB school code is 113096.

The SAT codes for the closest test centers are:

  • Valwood School – Test Center #11699
  • Valdosta State University – Test Center #11700 – all test dates
  • Lowndes High School – Test Center #11695
  • TIFTON: Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College – Test Center #11675
  • THOMASVILLE: Thomasville County Central High – Test Center #11669

See for Yourself

We invite you to explore Valwood through our website, but the best way to learn more about our school’s mission and approach is to visit us. We hold admissions coffee-and-tour sessions monthly where you will learn about our curriculum and extracurricular programs, and you will also be able to see first-hand our beautifully designed, state-of-the-art facilities.

Schedule a Tour