Valwood School

Science Olympiad Places 3rd

The Valwood Science Olympiad team competed in the regional tournament on Saturday, February 21 at East Georgia College in Swainsboro.

The team placed third overall (out of 18 teams) and received an invitation to the state tournament at Emory University on March 21. Only 24 teams out of all the public and private schools in Georgia are invited to the state tournament.

Medalists were as follows:

1st Chemistry Lab Will Hawthorne, Jason Papadopoulos
1st Forensics Jason Papadopoulos, Amanda Lupo
1st Green Generation Lanier Langdale, Amanda Lupo
2nd Air Trajectory Kush Patel, Connor Barnard
2nd Wright Stuff Kush Patel, Connor Barnard
3rd Anatomy & Physiology Jason Papadopoulos, Kush Patel
3rd Experimental Design Lanier Langdale, Savannah-Jane Gilchrist, Will Hawthorne
4th Disease Detectives Lanier Langdale, Amanda Lupo
4th Tech. Problem Solving Jason Papadopoulos, Sarah Godwin

Ribbon winners were:

6th Astronomy Sarah Godwin, Jake Smith
6th Bridge Building Connor Barnard, Savannah-Jane Gilchrist
5th Bungee Drop Kush Patel, Will Hawthorne
7th Cell Biology Sarah Godwin, Olivia Cox
7th Compound Machines Amanda Lupo, Lanier Langdale
5th Dynamic Planet Bryce Everett, Savannah-Jane Gilchrist
6th Entomology Bryce Everett, Savannah-Jane Gilchrist
5th Fossils Kush Patel, Jason Papadopoulos
8th Geologic Mapping Maggie Smith, Jake Smith
9th It’s About Time Maggie Smith, Jake Smith
8th Mission Possible Connor Barnard, Will Hawthorne
8th Protein Modeling Maggie Smith, Olivia Cox, Sarah Godwin
5th Scrambler Will Hawthorne
10th Write It/Do It Jake Smith, Olivia Cox
9th Astronomy Joe Stark, Connor Smith
10th Bridge Building Joe Stark, Connor Smith
6th Chemistry Lab Brenna Wilson, Arabi Luke
10th Compound Machines Anna Ma, Emily Pascavage
10th Dynamic Planet Zilan Yang, Emily Pascavage
8th Entomology Meagan Kimbrell, Emily Pascavage
5th Forensics Allie Maxwell, Brenna Wilson
7th Experimental Design Arabi Luke, Meagan Kimbrell, Zilan Yang
6th Fossils Meagan Kimbrell, Brenna Wilson
10th Geologic Mapping Arabi Luke, Joe Stark
7th Green Generation Arabi Luke, Joe Stark

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