Valwood School

Knighton Wins Congressional Award

HAHIRA — Congressman Austin Scott presented Valwood student Sara Knighton with the Congressional Award Gold Medal Wednesday morning.

Scott traveled to Valwood School to present the medal as Knighton was unable to travel to D.C.

The Congressional Award Gold Medal is the highest award for youth legislated by Congress and acknowledges outstanding young people for their initiative, achievement and service, according to a press release from Ryann DuRant, communications director for the congressman.

Knighton completed more than 400 hours of voluntary public service. The service along with her completion of tasks regarding her personal development, physical fitness and expedition goals earned her the award.

While visiting the school, Scott answered questions students may have regarding the current state of the nation.

Students asked Scott a variety of questions regarding such hot-button issues as abortion, immigration and gun control.

Scott shared his pro-life beliefs and advocated for strengthening border control.

As a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, Scott discussed his beliefs on protecting the rights of gun owners in America and his belief that stricter gun laws have not made the streets safer.

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